Are Habits Calling All the Shots in Your Life?

A habit is something you can do without thinking - which is why most of us have so many of them. ~Frank A. Clark

Habit is defined as:

a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.

b. An established disposition of the mind or character.

My secret & the most precious discoveries have been; the moment I stop struggling with "what I am going through now" and accept whatever is happening. I stop battling with the entire Universe! All the resistance and conflict seems to ease-up. I feel the grip to loosen up. I feel relief. I often ask myself, "How I feel?" As soon as I manage to identify my feelings, I quickly become aware of my overstress and it helps me to go with the flow, especially when faced with difficulties. I keep at all times the awareness that, "I have a choice." I can choose to feel good." I have the ability to make it better. Suddenly the original grip on the negative event drops and I can clearly see a way forward, even though it might be the smallest action towards a wonderful solution.

We have various choices in life. Opportunities are disguised as challenges. Sometimes we look at things in our life and question the meaning. Sometimes we struggle. Sometimes we react. However I have found out that only by being Appreciative we soar. Having an Attitude of Appreciation assists us to progress. Struggling with the moment creates us to struggle with the Universe.

Slow down. It's good to sometimes do nothing for the whole day except to "just be". By allowing ourselves to be and completely " Be Present" in the now is so rewarding.

Let every particle be sensed by your sense organs, e.g. let the sweet melody from the a variety of birds reach your ears. Be alive & feel the warmth of the sun on your face, on a cold winter's day. Smell the lavender as you pass the park on your way to work. Rushing around has become a habit. Habits can be changed. Habit is something we have done for 21 times!

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Ryun

So to develop a new habit, we have to do that action 21 one times & that will now become a new habit. The easiest way to drop a habit is to develop a New Habit.

We live in an inclusive universe, therefore we can not "Stop" something. We can not "get rid" of a habit, instead we can develop another positive habit and the old one will just drop! Amazing hey.

Whatever has happened is good. Whatever is happening is better. Whatever will (or going to) happen will be for the Best! So why rush?

Acceptance is the first step towards change. When we habitually do something, we have not inculcated this way of life over night. It has happened over a long period of time.

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Light, Love and Joy always

Divya Vinai Shah TSF Visionary & Founder

The Soul Frequencies
