The World Wide Web (www) behind our Eyes

Most technical inventions have their parallels in the natural world. Whether we are petrified or excited about technology, behind our eyes, and never offline, is the fast network of them all - the neuro-net. Since we can’t log off, how can we use the brain’s innate ability to focus, analyzing, memorizing information, building correlations and strengthening neuron pathways, to make our life effortless, stress-free and joyful?

In the 21st Century, we cannot imagine our life without the Internet.

We have benefited immensely in our fast paced technology world, with the advance of the Internet; also known as the Wide World Web. The Internet of Things is significant because an object that can represent itself digitally becomes something greater than the object by itself. When many objects act in harmony, they are known as having "ambient intelligence."

Similarly, we not only interact with our material realm through our ability to tangibly savor, stroke, perceive, sense and shape our environment, but we can actualize it into its objective creation. The Internet behind our Eyes is the main driving force that helps us to connect the invisible domain to our visible sphere. This force can be identified as the “I AM”, Super-Consciousness’ or Spiritual Energy - Soul.

The human race is considered to be the most intelligent species on this Earth for its ability to be self-aware. We are conscious of our own thinking. We are mindful of our surrounding, environment, and our unquenchable passion to craft tools from stone, metal, now laser beams and silicon microchips.

I think, therefore “I am”

Psychologists, physicists, scholars and spiritual leaders interchangeably refer to this “awake state” as our conscious Mind, Higher Consciousness or our Sub-Consciousness.

In our physical world, there is more than what we can perceive through our five senses. Whatever we can touch, see, smell, hear and taste is only a small fraction of what there is. We are surrounded by this incredible invisible energy – like a Smart Grid of Non-physical Energy, which constantly dance to the tunes of our vibrations. It can be loosely compared to our modern day World Wide Web (www) also referred to as the “Internet”.

Our Super Conscious Higher Self has three main facilities that use its abilities to change this ever-present invisible energy into noticeable solid material objects, encounters, conditions, incidents, relationships etc.

The concept - what we can Fire-Up - is Wired-Up, is a neurological way of explaining the trillions of pathways created in our brains by our Super Consciousness or Soul.

So how are our neuro pathways created? The process uses Thoughts, Words, and Actions as mediums with which it records and remembers repeat patterns of behaviors into auto scripts or unconscious habits. Research states that by the time we reach the age of 35 years, we have 95% to 98% of our daily routine memorized. Hence, we find that with the best of our intentions, we are unable to break a negative tendency and create a new regime quickly.

"The way that people do one thing is the way that they do everything"

When we focus on an incident or an event and repeated think the same thoughts, articulate the same words or perform the same actions over a period of time, the soul creates script also known as “default mode behavior”. These synapses that fire up, can be compared to the “hyperlinks” between web pages.

With many distractions in our world today, it is harder to pay attention or to fully concentrate on the task at hand. Research done at Yale shows that short, regular periods of meditation helps to become focused on what’s happening right now. During quiet introspection or meditation, we can turn off the default mode network of our brain and with regular practice, it continues to help, even when we’re not meditating. Meditation helps increase the gap between our thoughts. The regular silence of mind lessens the traffic of our thoughts. It helps to calm the inner chatter or the internal noise.

Our Conscious Mind focuses our five senses and thinks.

Our Higher consciousness visualizes and decides.

Our Subconscious Mind creates auto scripts and acts as a hard drive. It records and saves repeated patterns of behaviors which can be likened to habits, beliefs, and personality. Examples of these files are “brushing teeth”, “walking”, “playing violin”, “Dancing” or “typing”.

Just as how World Wide Web or Internet is prone to viruses and malware attacks, our Super Consciousness can also be infected with malware.

Viruses, worms, Trojans, and bots are all part of a class of software called malware. Malware or malicious code (malcode) is short for malicious software.

Malware or code – This is a software that is specifically designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other “bad” or illegitimate action on data, hosts, or networks.

So how would our Internet behind our Eyes, get infected with viruses? Most of our waking hours we are obsessing about ourselves, regretting the past, worrying and fearing the future, doing anything but being focused on what’s happening right now. This unconscious and damaging behavior can be described, as being infected with malware.

To be attentive to our thoughts, words, and actions. Knowing that I have a choice is the Anti-Virus program.

To choose a different response, instead of having knee-jerk reactions is the anti-virus program. Being aware of my feelings and emotions, helps me to access my innermost invisible negative thoughts. Once I am aware, I have the power to decide on a different response.

Once we are consistent, we gain the ability to create a new positive default mode network. Our Sub-Conscious Mind frees up our Conscious Mind and our Higher Consciousness to focus, think and visualize new ideas, understand concepts, learn a new skill or even gain peace of mind and ultimately become happy. Committing to daily meditation, brings stillness of our body, silence to our mind and we are likely to enjoy solitude from our surroundings or environment. Time spent in nature strengthens our Super Consciousness or the “Internet Behind our Eyes”.

Once we master this know-how, we will be able to mindfully create a positive “default mode behavior”, which will make our life uncomplicated, relaxed and happy.

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Light, Love, and Joy always

Divya Vinai Shah

TSF Visionary & Founder

The Soul Frequencies