Regret or Remorseful?

Are you regretting a decision that you made many, many years or several months ago or even just a few weeks ago? Can’t seem to move on from the past and get over the regret? Each day we have to face with the stark reality called “Life” and feel de-energised at most times. Are the disappointments so great that we are unable to take any action in the present moment? The smallest trigger is all it takes to bring that overwhelming feeling of remorse and sadness!

So how do we know if we are holding on to the past? Do you think, “If only I can go back in time, I will do things differently”? Does an endless track play in the background and has become bothersome? We feel sorry for ourselves and often are unhappy with “everything” in life. The non stop mental chatter is a constant bemoaning of. “Oh why”, “Oh why, did I come to a decision that seems so wrong now?” The underlining issue is because of regret and remorse of a past decision that we took and are unable to accept it.

Find out how to accept what has happened, and more importantly, know certain facts to help you cope with the present experience or life.

The reality is the decision that we opted for has been taken and now no matter how hard we try, we cannot undo. We may feel unnoticed and ignored when our world is passing, us by at tremendous speed, but if we recognise the value of the present moment, we would be able to regain far more then what we think we have lost.

In the past several years, months or weeks – you may have had countless nights, where you have laid in your bed, unable to sleep and can only think of that dreadful day, when you made that decision? Maybe also ponder what the outcome could have been under different circumstance?

The great secret is to understand that I the Soul am in control and NOT my mind. Our mind or ego wants to keep us in fear. Uncertainty of the future causes our minds to be terrified. The anxiety that we feel is only in our minds. The reality is very different.

“When we conquer our mind, we conquer the world” – Supreme Soul

The panic or worry about days gone, or months to come or phobia for years ahead, is only in our minds. In other words we think and hence feel concerned and apprehensive. I am thinking, therefore “I” am the thinker and mind is the faculty that does the thinking or where thoughts are generated. Thoughts are separate from “I”. I am a self-conscious thinking being and that I can control my mind. Presently, I may not have control over my thinking; however with the awareness, that I am independent from my thoughts, is in itself empowering and enlightening! In other words I can have full control over what I think.

The realisation that my mind has a hold over “I the Soul” is awakening our inner strength of the soul. This enlightenment is liberating, and soul can break free from mind manipulation with just a glimpse of this awareness.

With daily practice and attention to our thoughts, the quality of our thinking will improve. We will become more discerning and will further reclaim our power over our mind, attitude and perspectives. Our outlook towards life will become positive and relaxed.

Acceptance, loosens our focus or attention on the problem at hand, and turns our mind to sieve through to a creative solution.

“To be able to create the exact amount of thoughts at the right time


To stop thoughts when we want to

Is the greatest accomplishments of life” – Divya Vinai Shah

When we are at ease with our current life, it renews our severed connection to the ultimate source energy; GOD, beckoning us to a life of our dreams. With continuous practise we gradually manage to achieve stillness in our mind. When we make small effort to set aside fifteen to twenty minutes daily to re-connect to God's energies, and regular silence rejuvenates our soul.

Initially to achieve stillness of both body and mind may be difficult, but with repeated action, it will become automatic and effortless. This will create a positive habit. Visualise or imagine magnificent rays of rainbow light coming from the sky in a form of a circle just above your head entering your body and covering all points, centralising itself at your solar plexus.

When thoughts of anger, worry, fear, blame, regret, jealously, disappointment, sadness or anxiety creep in, mentally start to spray the entire body with this imaginary multitude of colourful rainbow light. As you do this, inwardly see imaginary rays, or sprays, of rainbow light going through the body, and down and out through feet.

The benefits of doing this meditation are amazing. It is an instant "Pick me up" or "Feel Good Factor". The way to combat darkness is to spread light. To fight darkness will be a futile and exhausting exercise, instead learn to flow with light, bringing it into our life and letting it flow out to others. We are light beings and as we increase our light storing capacity we can make a difference in our world and immensely, positively influence others as well!

When you practice the insights from The SoulFrequencies it will give you a road map of your life! It will permanently remove that griping sadness and return you back to happiness. It will take you effortlessly from where you are, to where you want to be! I have found the road map of my life... would you like the road map of your life?

Accompanying the work on this site, I have completed a book. Now available on Amazon

Find out:

What are you vibrating at today?

What is your Soul Frequencies?

How can you bring about a feeling of contentment in your life?

What is your current Node of Being (vibrational point)?

How to bring ever-lasting Joy?

To read more intriguing and practical articles, which may help you to find the road map of your life visit daily The Soul Frequencies website.

Light, Love and Joy always

Divya Vinai Shah

TSF Visionary & Founder

The Soul Frequencies