Beliefs are just thoughts

I have sometimes felt that we may have the best of intentions in our life, however, to be able to break (a non-serving) habit, we may need help from a well-meaning friend or family. We like to think we have an enormous amount of hold over our own behaviour yet, our beliefs and habits have a massive impact on the way we act.

A belief or habit is only a series of thoughts >> visualizations >> actions and when we have done this pattern for only 31 times, it becomes a HABIT or BELIEF.

We then no longer need to deliberately input any efforts of our focus>> thoughts >> visualizations >> discernment >> feelings >> actions towards manifesting something.

A Habit or Belief is a pre-programmed script which auto-runs without any (extra) input from us all. It only needs the tiniest trigger to set it off!

Examples of habit formation are the following: If a smoker instinctively reaches for a cigarette the moment they wake up in the morning, they have a habit. A smoker (who is trying to quit), gets the gentlest whiff of tobacco, will break their noblest intentions to give up smoking and without evening being aware; find themselves lighting a cigarette or puffing one!

Also, if a person tie up their running shoes and hit the streets as soon as he/she wakes up, they've acquired a habit. We often assume that NEW habits are hard to develop and OLD habits are impossible to break because the behavioural patterns we repeat are imprinted in our soul’s hard drive. But the fabulous news is that it is possible to form new habits through repetition and we DON’T even need to break old habits! They just melt away, as soon as we remove our focus from them.

To break our pre-programmed habits, we need to watchfully process NEW HABITS OR BELIEFS. We can compare it with over-writing a program in our computer. If we want to get rid of an old program or a saved file, we just go ahead and install a new program or save a new file. The step of installing a new program over-writes the old computer program automatically!

Negative Habits or Beliefs are exactly the same as an unwanted software in the computer. Also referred to as an auto-script. We may not be able to delete it. It may be a mammoth of a task to find it from the trillions of files (habits, beliefs, behavioral practice, routine, addictions, dependency, preferences, liking, patterns etc), but it can easily be over-written with a NEW (positive) tendency or Habit or Belief.

Today is a new day to create new preferences or custom. A belief is only a series of thought patterns, which we have done for 30 days or more! We only have to inspire ourselves for one month to tenderly create A NEW BELIEF OR HABIT!

This will serve us towards positive upliftment in our life for now and for a long time in our future to come.