Why do we procrastinate? Learn three simple steps to stop it.

Humanity has from generation to generation commonly seen one trait; to put things off or to do things later. Occasionally we find few people who have become skilled at overcoming this habit. This characteristic to stall seems to permeate all ages, races, class, background, nations, and tribes. This habit frequently seems to infect people from a young age. Are you a citizen of this nation? It’s called “Procrastination”.

Have you put things off till the last instant and panicked? Avoiding assignments until the final deadline, or holding off writing that important email, or packing your bag for the business trip until the final hours of the flight? These are just a few examples of procrastination. We know that leaving things until the last day or hour will not only give us unnecessary and unwanted stress and worry, but the attainment will be incomplete and mostly disappointing.

So how come we still repeat the same mistake over and over again? Can you list a few things that you have to do today but you have not even begun? Yes, we all know this feeling of having no desire or impulse to move. Anxiety and fear grip us when we think of the umpteen tasks that need completely.

The matters we procrastinate about are endless, but the reason why we drag our feet can be counted on one hand! From endless research, the most common reasons point out to three triggers for our stalling or delaying.

The three triggers are:

Lack of Clarity

Seeing that most tasks fall under top priority. We are not sure of our approach hence the decision on what to do next clouds our judgement. We are unable to agree on the course of action regarding important tasks and urgent issues, as both need our utmost attention. This confuses us causing anxiety and fear of failure.

Feeling Overwhelmed

We feel snowed under with assignments, responsibilities, financial pressures and life in general. The garage or sheds need cleaning, however, we keep putting it off because we seemed to wait for that perfect day before we can start. When we are waiting for that perfect moment, we never seem to find that right time or inspiration to start.

Delusion of Time

When we look at our “things to do list” to prioritise, we believe that we have lots of time to complete all the tasks. The illusion of time trips us all. We have all fallen into this trap of thinking that, “I have plenty of time”, or before I do this job, I better check a few YouTube videos. Before we know it we get side-tracked and end up on social media updating our status for the umpteenth time today! Whenever you have an important task to commence, can you hear yourself say, “I will do this later…..or I will do this tomorrow?”

Leading experts say that the most widespread trigger is the illusion of time. Before we begin any task if we expect all circumstances, people, outcomes to be perfect, we will never proceed. Perfection halts growth. Some entrepreneur spends so much time on the unnecessary tasks that most start-up ideas of business never reaches fruition.

Perfection is stagnation

Several might argue that mankind’s entire endeavour is to achieve perfection. It is true that we base our existence on this planet to attain worthiness or to give meaning to our life. That is why we are here, though, to try and achieve perfection before we begin any job is a futile exercise. Instead of chasing perfection, we must opt to pursue excellence. Practising excellence removes the fear of trying to be perfect. All kinds of FEAR underpins procrastination. We are not being lazy when we put things off till another day or next week. Procrastinators would clean the entire house and even vacuum the room twice, instead of writing that important proposal. Fear is the basis of delaying tactics.

When we start on a task it not only removes the fear of failure but also removes the fear of success. Once we become aware of these triggers, the erroneous belief of fear, dread and undetermined outcomes is removed and we are inspired to take action. To give up your rights and depart the Procrasti-nation forever, we need to take a small step to first feel good. Before we begin any task if we tend to how we are feeling. Switch our mood if we are experiencing any resistance or negativity, to feeling excited and eager. This state of being itself will put us on the right path or begin our journey to overcome procrastination.

How can we do away with postponement, interruptions or side tracking from whatever needs doing now?

My three easy steps to eliminate procrastination are:

Step One is called ~ 1-2-3 (I found naming steps was an easy way to remember!)

1. Make a daily list or make a list of what needs doing now (feel good first though)

When we list things down, it brings clarity and allows us to group similar tasks together. This cuts the time we spend in repeating actions, sometimes unnecessary actions as well. Also, it frees up mental energy that we spend trying to remember what task needs doing next. Are you exhausted always? Do you have an imaginary list going on or inventory of what needs doing? This activity mentally depletes creative energy, leaving you tired and worn out.

2. Mental Visioning

From the list before you begin any task feel good first. Take a few minutes to imagine the first few actions that you intend taking. Visualisation improves to strengthen willpower and taps into an “invisible field of Intention” also called the domain of synchronicity. When we learn to intercept this field of intention the struggle to motivate us from going on disappears. It helps us to align circumstances, people, events, and even places. We quickly and smoothly go into the flow of things or be in the zone.

3. “Now” is Alive

Do tasks that take only 5 to 10 mins straight away. Do not over think them. Duties and errands that take only 5 or 10 minutes to complete can be done right away. The inventive power in the present moment drives us to take action without much effort.

Step Two is called ~ 5 to10

1. Bite Size tasks

When we break any activity into smaller and smaller tasks this inspires action. If we attempt to achieve a lot in a short time, we become apprehensive and are unable to move. At a recent workshop, I was asked how I would apply this step from a consistent procrastinator who has the wish to write a book since the past 15 years! I shared this personal habit that is very helpful. To write a book if we can dedicate one week to write, re-write, edit, and perfect one chapter at a time, in fifty-two weeks they will have a wide-ranging book completed with fifty-two chapters.

2. Downtime

Utilize the in-between time. When we are waiting for the kettle to boil, we can check the fridge and make a shopping list of missing items for dinner to be purchased on our way home from work. Loading and unloading dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, online shopping etc. can all be accomplished in the waiting time or downtime.

Giving ourselves some mental space also helps us to re-boot our energy. Negative and unnecessary thinking is exhausting! Take a brisk walk or surround yourself with soft music, while contemplating the task at hand. When we relax and let our thoughts marinate into a vision. This creates a 3D wire-frame for the cosmic invisible energy to take shape or fill the void. When we take action thereafter, this brings exceptional results in a short time.

Step Three is called ~ 80/20 Rule

1. Focus on your best

The 80/20 rule states that a small portion of activities as little as 20% of our everyday living bring 80% of our happiness and meaning to our life. We only use 20% of clothes, objects from our entire wardrobe or household items. 20% of customers bring 80% of profit. So how come we spend nearly all our time chasing after insignificant and unimportant tasks? To apply this step spend 80% of your time on 20% of your most important tasks. When we focus our precious time and energy on significant jobs first, we will achieve immensely, leaving no room for procrastination.

2. Simplify

In the 21st century technology have propelled humanity to leading edge of thought and progression. The dark side with advancement is that we are constantly plagued with too much information. The choice is good yet shifting and sorting has to be a constant activity to stay on top of this variety. When we simplify our life, by eliminating the unnecessary, we gain the power to focus. Concentrated efforts yield exceptional results. Needless and pointless task drains our attention and creativity. When you are feeling good, know that one inspired action will lead to many creative solutions, which saves time and energy from being wasted on the useless activities. Simplicity brings space in our mind and surroundings. When we feel good it becomes easier to attempt, we will defer less and act more.

Once we master this know-how, we will be able to mindfully create a positive “default mode behaviour”, which will make our life uncomplicated, relaxed and happy.

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Light, Love, and Joy always

Divya Vinai Shah

TSF Visionary & Founder

The Soul Frequencies